Outreach Programs
10/30/15 Film Screening
2016.01.25 12:38

Happy Discovery of Korea: Hanji Box Film Screening and Talk
Time: Friday, October 30, 2015 6:00- 8:00 PM
Place: The Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Art Gallery, 417 Lafayette St 4th Fl New York, NY 10003
6:00 - 6:30: Reception
6:30 - 7:05: Film Screening
7:15 - 8:00: Panel Discussion about the Film
Nora Jacobson (Director, Producer),
Natalie Kim (Actress, Korean Adoptee),
Nancy Kim Parsons (Actress, Korean Adoptee)
This panel discussion will provide an overview of the film production to call attention to the life of Korean Adoptees in the United States. The panel discussion will have the perspectives of Korean Adoptees and personal stories related to the film. For Korean adoptees, learning about Korean traditional culture is helpful to establish her or his identity and make a bridge between their families and their native heritage.
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