Happy Discovery of Korea! Korean Traditional Folk Art and Bojagi
webmaster 2014.10.31 15:40

We are pleased to invite Korean American adoptee families and people who want to learn and appreciate Korean art and culture for our upcoming "Happy Discovery of Korea" program. This program aims to provide a Korean cultural experience to participants.

"Happy Discovery of Korea!" 
Nov. 8 .2014 Saturday 2:00- 4:30 pm
The Sylvia Wald & Po Kim  Art Gallery
417 Lafayette Street. 4th floor New York, NY


1. Appreciation of Korean Traditional Folk Art, Lecturer: Soojung Hyun Ph.D. 
Korean Folk Painting, popular among the commoners of the late Chosun Dynasty, depicts the everyday lives and society at the time in a fun and humorous way.  This unique art and its free interpretation of humanity has withstood time and still gives a deep impression to people of the modern world today. Hyun will introduce the beauty and symbolic meaning in the Korean Folk Paintings.

2. Introduction of Donghwa " East Meets West" Book
The first edition of "Donghwa East Meets West: Korean Lifestyle and Arts" was published in March 2010. The book introduces Korean culture, lifestyle, and arts. This event will present the 2nd edition of the book. 

3. Let's Make Korean Wrapping Cloth "BOJAGI", Lecturer: Shine Shin 
보자기 (Bojagi) is traditional Korean wrapping cloth. Bojagi was created by the women of the household from leftover scraps of colorful fabric or other sewing. Bogagi was made with wishes for longevity, prosperity, and happiness. By wrapping an object, the user hoped to trap happiness and blessing in the holds of the cloth. Connecting various colors and soft fabrics represented the image that all the various existences of the world had the right to exist equally and peacefully. Shine Shin will focus on the sharing and healing message through making Korean wrapping cloths. 

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